2.0 – A numbers Thing.

2.0 – A numbers Thing.

Photo credit: Kristen Finn

Hollywood on the Potomac got hung up at the Funny or Die party and admit we didn’t quite make it to the 2.0 party, but we thank their publicist for sending the below wrap up and photos.

“The next generation of tech, media, Hollywood and politics came together at The Carnegie Library last night for 2.0: The New Media Party hosted by Event Farm and HyperVocal


Spotted at the event: Microsoft’s Fred Humphries, Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart, Derek Brown, MSNBC’s Karen Finney and Krystal Ball, Homeland’s Erik Dellums, The Rockies baseball player Drew Stubbs, FCC’s Neil Grace, Twitter’s Will Carty and Adam Sharp, WUSA’s Lesli Foster, Al Jazeera’s Jeffrey Ballou, UpWorthy’s Eli Pariser, HyperVocal’s Lee Brenner, Event Farm’s Ryan Costello, US Royalty singer John Thornley, FORTUNE’s Leigh Gallagher, National Journal’s Poppy MacDonald, FOX’s Jehmu Green and Tamara Nora Holder, Viacom’s Reynaldo Casas, Candidate for Maryland Governor Anthony Brown.


AOL’s Allie Kline, Tumblr’s Liba Rubenstein and Leah Linder, POLITICO’s Roy Schwartz, DOD’s Matthew Spence, The Daily Show’s Kevin Bleyer, Kwasi Asare, radio host Richard Fowler, Yelp’s Laurent Crenshaw, Patton Boggs’ Ben Ginsberg, RNC’s Jonathan Gormley, Tom Manatos, Picture Motion’s Heidi Nel, Dewey Square’s Elise Shutzer, Gannett’s Rebecca Haller, Washington Post’s Jackie Kucinich, CNN’s Matt Dornic, Epic Sports HQ Ryan Macauley, AP’s Phil Elliott, Bully Pulpit Interactive’s Andrew Bleeker, Mark Skidmore, Ben Coffey Clark and Jen Nedeau, It Gets Better’s Scott Zumwalt, Salesforce’s Brian Komar, Facebook’s Julia Eisman, Steve Blumberg, Zignal’s Josh Ginsberg, Precision Network’s Tim Lim, Adam Conner, Chris Edwards, Role/Reboot’s Nicole Rodgers, PCCC’s Adam Green, Rock The Vote’s Heather Smith, White House’s Haley Van Dyck, Google’s Anthea Watson, and many more.


The cutting-edge event technology was one of the main celebrities at last night’s event. Guests used interactive badges to activate the digital gift bag wall, download music from the content globes swinging over the dance floor and interact with the baby robots – the Blabdroids – as they asked guests a series of intimate questions. HyperVocal launched a preview of it’s “Influencer News Feed App” and Zignal provided real-time tracking dashboards to show the conversation about the WHCA weekend. By the end of the night, over 3,200 activations were registered at the event as guests used their badges to swipe through all the different hover points, which means there were nearly five activations per guest.


Throughout the event, DJ Gavin Holland DJ-ed and US Royalty performed, while Derek Brown crafted signature cocktails and guests enjoyed taking interactive photos by Social Booth as well as getting screen printed t-shirts from AOL. The Selfie Squad sponsored by Microsoft helped attendees get their best photos taken and shared the photos on @NewMediaSelfies on Twitter and @TheSelfieSquad on Instagram. You can check out tweets from the event by following the tag #NewMediaParty.


Event sponsors included Event Farm, HyperVocal, AOL, Zignal, Microsoft, Yelp, Mobile Future, Viacom, Heineken, Eat The Rich, LMO Advertising, among others.”

Thank you publicist!

