Color me Turquoise!

Color me Turquoise!

Photo & video credit: Janet Donovan

It’s not often that a 21/2 year old gets invited to a cocktail party, but such was the case for JD.  The happy toddler was all smiles at the home of Ashley Taylor Bronzcek………and yes, he had a proper invite. So why is JD so happy?  He’s about to go swimmiing!


2 1/2 year old JD with mom Nini DuFour

The occasion for the evening was the official launch of the W.E.A.R. Project C.L.A.Y. Foundation bracelet! 

Held on International Water Safety Day, the launch also served as an educational platform on life-saving water skills, including a live demonstration of this FloatFirst techniuqe which can be seen below.


Laura Metro, Kelly Rogers and Ashley Taylor Bronzcek

These 13 minutes of video can help you save a child’s life, so watch it:
