Photo credit: Tyler Mahal Photography
Rock The Vote? Tinder? Who ARE these people? It looks like a dating site. “It was a dating site (referring to Tinder) and then we mixed issues into it with RTV,” Kiki Burger, head of marketing and events for Rock the Vote, told Hollywood on the Potomac. “Based on if you swiped right or left on the issue, you got matched with the candidate. You could see where you align on the issue, so that was really fun. We did a party last night in celebration of it with the Independent Journal Review, which has been a partner of ours this year as well.” Ok, inquiring minds want to know who would be ‘dating’ Donald Trump.
“It’s the nation’s oldest and largest non-partisan organization dedicated to getting young people out to vote,” Burger explained. “This year we’re really focused on working with brands that young people love. We did a partnership with Toms Shoes as well as the Tinder Swipe The Vote.“
“We did the Kendall Jenner PSAs with them and she’s actually coming this weekend as our guest to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. She’s been a big supporter of ours, which has been great because she’s only 20; and this will be her first time voting in the Presidential Election. We’re excited about her.”
Did I.J.’s Kate Bennett just meet her match?
“We don’t work for candidates or political parties. It’s all non-partisan,” said Burger. “It’s all just around the act of voting and being educated on issues and being educated on the process so that they know if they’re registered; they know where their polling location is; they know what times to go, what sort of IDs they need. We do work a lot on making access to voting easier. There’s a lot of voting rights issues in different states that make it harder for younger, disadvantaged people to vote. We do some work there but no candidate stuff.”