Ambassadors Ball.

Ambassadors Ball.

by contributor Donna Shor
Photo credit: Jessica Greene

Diplomats, lawmakers, business figures and socialites who dined and danced at the 34th Annual Ambassadors Ball last night at the Ritz Carlton spent their time well. (Esther Coopersmith (L) shown above)

The Huffington Post’s Howard Finemen and spouse Amy Nathan

They were there supporting research to free the world of multiple sclerosis, the crippling disease which attacks a new victim every hour of each day in the United States. There is no cure. Not yet.
The ball welcomed newly assigned ambassadors and their spouses from many lands, and honored ambassadors posted here for their support of Washington’s charitable and humanitarian events.

The diplomatic corps can always be counted on for the loan of their embassies and help with funding such endeavors.

Ambassador Capricia Marshall, the U.S. Chief of Protocol, paid tribute to their service, as did the dean of the diplomatic corps, His Excellency Roble Olbaye, the Ambassador of Djibouti.

Ball co-chairs were four lawmaker’s wives: Annie Coons (Sen. Chris Coons), Melodee Hanes, (Sen. Max Baucus), Nancy Camp, (Rep. Dave Camp), and Judy McCarthy, (Rep. Kevin McCarthy).

The 2012 Ball honorees are two strong supporters of  bills funding MS and other neurological diseases: Sen.Robert P. Casey, Jr. (PA), longtime member and Co-chair of the Congressional Multiple Sclerosis Caucus, and Rep.Lee Terry (NE) of the MS Caucus who is currently sponsoring reauthorization of legislation he helped enact earlier.

Nancy Cordes, CBS News congressional correspondent, served as emcee. Entertainment included the Mariachi Estrella band, and from the Sutradhar Institute dancing in the classical style of south India’s Andhra Pradesh region.. The Wright Touch again this year provided highly danceable music guests put to good use after dinner.

The International Silent Auction offered scores of choice items, including a South African safari, three guitars signed by Bruce Springsteen, Santana and the Beach Boys, heaps of stunning jewelry, embassy lunches and dinners, and fine wines. Star attractions were two fluffy and adorable 10-week old pups, a male Shi-Tzu and a female golden retriever that people stood in line to hold.
