Cowboy Boots & Gingham…

Cowboy Boots & Gingham…

Photo credit: Courtesy of Kandie Stroud

The fourth annual Stroud Foundation Hoedown swung into high gear Saturday night at the Georgetown home of Brooke and Stephane Carnot. Normally sedate professionals and millennials managed to forgo polo shirts with ponies and opted instead for the authentic horsey look — cowboy boots, hats and gingham. They dined on barbecue, perched on bales of hay and bid on hundreds of silent auction items while banjos and blue grass music filled the air.

Lindsay Stroud and family

The fun night raised over $50,000 for The Stroud Foundation for Children with Learning Differences. The foundation was established in 2008 to honor the memory of Washington DC’s favorite pediatrician Dr. Frank Stroud and provides scholarship money to DC schools that work with learning disabilities.

Dr. Stroud cared for tens of thousands of children, but he was particularly devoted to children with learning differences and their families. He consulted with Psychologists and Psychiatrists who specialized in Learning Disabilities, including ADD and ADHD; he consulted with schools, their nurses and teachers on behalf of the children he treated; and he advocated for children who needed someone that believed in them. He often said, “No child wants to fail.”

The silent auction featured trips to New York with tickets to Broadway shows and TV shows, cases of the finest wines, cooking classes, hair styling and box seats for Caps, Wizards and Redskins games.


Among the cowboys and cowgirls: Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Dr. Susan Blumenthal, NBC’s Barbara Harrison, Deborah Sigmund, the State Department’s Caroline Croft, Stuart Prince, Frank and Caitlin Haney.











