

Photo credit: Neshan H. Naltchayan

Washingtonians got their wish when Argo won best picture.  Washingtonians like to win, it’s kind of a city trademark.

Argo, of course, is the dramatic thriller based on a CIA operative who led the rescue of six U.S. diplomats from Iran during the 1979 hostage crisis.  So, it was both ironic and fitting that the award was presented by the First Lady.

“The Academy Awards approached the First Lady about being a part of the ceremony,” said Kristina Schake, Communications Director to Michelle Obama. “As a movie lover, she was honored to present the award and celebrate the artists who inspire us all—especially our young people—with their passion, skill and imagination.”

Meanwhile, the glam crowd celebrated the Oscars at The Ritz-Carlton in Georgetown hosted by Sandro and Tati of Art Soiree, a little more than a stone’s throw from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


The Red Carpet
